Hey everyone! It's been a minute since I have posted on our blog. This summer has been so busy, especially the last couple months, preparing for our 3rd tour and writing the curriculum for Kind Clubs!! We are so excited to launch the official Kind Club curriculum this Fall! :)
I will write a more in depth post later, but for now, I wanted to showcase a poem that was submitted to Kind Campaign.
Patricia sent a collection of poems to us and I think they really capture a lot of the feelings girls have as they walk down the halls at school...especially at the beginning of the year when everyone is just getting back to school. Here is one of her amazing poems:
Facing it all is too tough
Walking away is easier
But fading to black, the easiest.
You don't want me around
Because I reflect what's inside
You, all you don't like.
You taunt and belittle me
To raise yourself higher
To make your star gold.
I won't go to school today
You've made it too tough
You have won it all.
Remember: Every single person at your school has a story. You have no idea what someone is going through and the struggles they deal with on and off campus. This school year, I challenge you to say "Hi" to people you may not normally associate yourself with. Sit with someone alone at lunch. Have a conversation with a girl that seems down. I know how hard school can be and the social pressures you face can seem paralyzing. I promise that one day you will look back and wish you could have done some things different. I know I wish I would have stuck up for certain people, or reached out to girls that were alone at school. It's so much cooler to be able to look back at your middle or high school experience and know that you made a difference. At the very least, avoid being a part of the drama. You will have such a better school experience if you respect the girls around you by being KIND. I know that may sound cheesy to you, but it's true. I know from experience because I was in your shoes not that long ago.
Just some food for thought.
Have a wonderful Friday.
Love Wins.
I will write a more in depth post later, but for now, I wanted to showcase a poem that was submitted to Kind Campaign.
Patricia sent a collection of poems to us and I think they really capture a lot of the feelings girls have as they walk down the halls at school...especially at the beginning of the year when everyone is just getting back to school. Here is one of her amazing poems:

Facing it all is too tough
Walking away is easier
But fading to black, the easiest.
You don't want me around
Because I reflect what's inside
You, all you don't like.
You taunt and belittle me
To raise yourself higher
To make your star gold.
I won't go to school today
You've made it too tough
You have won it all.
Remember: Every single person at your school has a story. You have no idea what someone is going through and the struggles they deal with on and off campus. This school year, I challenge you to say "Hi" to people you may not normally associate yourself with. Sit with someone alone at lunch. Have a conversation with a girl that seems down. I know how hard school can be and the social pressures you face can seem paralyzing. I promise that one day you will look back and wish you could have done some things different. I know I wish I would have stuck up for certain people, or reached out to girls that were alone at school. It's so much cooler to be able to look back at your middle or high school experience and know that you made a difference. At the very least, avoid being a part of the drama. You will have such a better school experience if you respect the girls around you by being KIND. I know that may sound cheesy to you, but it's true. I know from experience because I was in your shoes not that long ago.
Just some food for thought.
Have a wonderful Friday.
Love Wins.
Thank you Lauren and Molly for your KIND words and amazing campaign. I am from Las Vegas and I will be visiting Mesa, AZ this weekend and spreading the word! And writing is a good tool to help cope with anything you are going through. It doesn't matter if it rhymes or makes sense to anyone else, just get it out!- Patricia Kornegay (author)