the doc is still tuckin along-- we've been communicating with an animator, color correctors, sound people, music people...lots of people. but they are people who believe in the project and will use their wonderful talents to complete this film.

Molly and I had a wonderful meeting/coaching session with the lovely Amy Swift and Whitney Roberts of SMARTY. They provided us with so much helpful information and advice for how to keep KC moving. They also advised us to put together a Board of Directors. We are proud to announce a portion of our board: Whitney Roberts, Marty Stevens-Heebner, Debra Parsekian, Tetia Stroud, Debbie Angle and Samantha Marq. There are a couple of other people we are talking to and we will let you know when they are confirmed :) Once we have the board in tact, will we start to meet to determine who can bring what to the table to help further this whole operation.
We met with Nick Mason of ErroThree yesterday to talk about updating our website. He showed us his idea for a new layout and I must say....its INCREDIBLE. The new website will have cool new interactive features, and will be really easy to navigate. Its fresh and it pops. We think you will be really stoked on the new ideas.

I really want you to check out Amanda Tysons new Kind Campaign bracelet!! She has a wonderful business going and she decided to create a custom KC bracelet, donating 100% of the proceeds to us! I am wearing mine right now! They are super cute
and a lot of people have been ordering. They are only 10 dollars and all the money will help finish the film and bring us into schools. Here is a pic of the bracelet to the right and here is the link to order yours today: Bracelets by Amanda Leigh.

We are so excited to announce our next fundraiser on June 25th 7-9pm!!! It will be held at Rock & Revolution in Malibu, CA. Check out their BLOG too! The wonderful Cece Abel, owner of Rock & Revolution, is helping spread KIND by putting up another KC installation and throwing us an awareness night and fundraiser. Click HERE to check out the fundraiser invite page. We would love to see you there!
Well, off to a lunch meeting and back into the edit!! Speaking of meetings, Molly and I had a VERYYYYYYYYY exciting meeting yesterday but we are going to keep it hush hush until things are more set in stone. Just know that there may be something HUGE around the corner and we are very excited about the prospect. We will keep you updated.
Have a wonderful rest of your week and check back for a new addition to our blog where we will be updating you via video messages :) Coming soon!
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