The month of October is National Anti-Bullying Month, so Kind Campaign hit the road to try and reach as many schools and organizations as possible! We kept ourselves pretty busy and had an amazing time meeting some pretty incredible people in Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta, Toronto, and Richmond!
Finding Kind Screening and Discussion for Girl Scouts and their mothers
sponsored by Monster High
Santa Monica, CA
Our second home...
Lakeside Middle School Screening and Assembly
Seattle, WA
Gig Harbor Film Festival Screening and Q&A
Gig Harbor, WA
Northwest School Screening and Assembly
Seattle, WA
Our friend from Pepperdine, Angie, came out to support! |
Finding Kind Screening and Discussion for Girl Scouts and their mothers
sponsored by Monster High
Bellevue, WA
Finding Kind Screening and Discussion for Girl Scouts and their mothers
sponsored by Monster High
Atlanta, GA
On the road again...
St. Elizabeth Catholic High School
Vaughan, Ontario
Thanks to Mary, a mental health specialist, and
Danica, Workman Arts tour manager,
who traveled with us throughout our
Toronto tour! |
T.L. Kennedy S.S. in Mississauga, Ontario
SATEC School in Scarborough, Ontario
A HUGE thanks to Royal Bank of Canada for sponsoring all of the
school screenings, assemblies and panels!
Brunch and panel discussion at the Royal Ballet of Toronto
sponsored by the Royal Bank of Canada
While we were in Toronto, we stumbled upon a zombie wedding - how cool!
Lauren's boyfriend, Aaron, surprised her in Toronto! |
Several middle schools in the Toronto area took buses
to Harbord for a screening and assembly!
Harbord Collegiate in Toronto, Ontario
University of Richmond
Richmond, Virginia
Thanks so much to Delta Gamma and Kappa Kappa
Gamma for taking such great care of us
while we were there! |
We had such a wonderful time meeting all of these incredible people and seeing change take place in schools and communities. It was very surreal for us to bring Kind Campaign internationally, but it is very evident that the schools in Canada are facing the same challenges as the ones in America. The message of KINDness is universal and it was a wonderful journey spreading that message throughout the month of October! But, it doesn't stop there... Kind Campaign is constantly traveling, screening the film, and doing assemblies in schools and communities across the country (and now internationally)! Check out to learn more about how to schedule a screening or assembly in your community!
Kind Campaign